Xinluo Sorbent Products (Shanghai) Co,.Ltd
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Oil Sorbent Powder

Oil Sorbent Powder

Oil Sorbent Powder

Detailed Selling Lead Description
XLOL-EX Wurfel I+II/SF The granulated force blots the powder
Material:Polyurethane;Volumetric weight:Approximately 270 grams/Rises
 Packing: 45 litres; 12 kilograms/Bag;Has bulk or the collection attire;Oil absorption:220% rapid quickly blots the water quality fresh return to attract theoil emulsion and chemistry pollutant bond approximately long-termlastingly uses in the waters ------ even if does not affect itsfunction under the severe condition the display. Blots the effectbecause does not have the moisture content to receive slightly beingweaken. In fact own oil absorption was still 100%. Thereforethe faith compels admiration. This product specialperformance in all waters,Water quality equipment,The port is curved,Oil separator,Blots in the hose to use. Its significance is specially significant.This product environmental protection compatibility:The federation environmental protection department publiclypromulgated an item to concern to "attracts the oil emulsion the rulerequest",This product has conformed to and satisfies this stipulationcompletely. By lawsuit side examination qualified authorization,May promote the use. Its examination certificate is 531007092。On December 31, 1992 obtained。
  The waste overcomes all difficulties to eliminate and the oldutilization of waste or scrap:In fact the pellet condition force attracts the oil emulsion,Simply does not have the extra increase expensive expense,On solution water-oil separation difficult problem. Therefore had theexpense superiority and the practical merit in the perquisite mixtureseparation aspect which cannot be substituted. Even if in open-air,Under the rainy day and the moist condition may use similarly. Thisforce attracts the oil emulsion to be possible to become the fuelwhich one kind of exceedingly good increment source and one kind ofexceedingly good increment source and one kind does not substitute,May save the expensive energy expense,But becomes one kind of new fuel. Following receives the oldutilization of waste or scrap and the solution waste materialdifficult problem dual merit. After passes under the ground state thegranulated force absorbent oil law dirt not to get rid,May carry on burning. The ash dregs and the residuum are extremelyfew,Is only about 2%. Please test our delivering. We provide each kind ofcontrast result as necessary,By proved our product is first-class。
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