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Charterhouse Hotel Booking Service

Charterhouse Hotel Booking Service

Charterhouse Hotel Booking Service

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Whether you are in Hong Kong for business or pleasure, you will appreciate The Charterhouse's ideal location and elegant surroundings; it is the only boutique style hotel in between Wanchai and Causeway Bay, with just few minutes walk to the Times Square MTR station and the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. As part of our continuous process of adding and upgrading the hotel facilities for our guests, the hotel will be embanking on some renovation work. One of the projests will be the conversion of our Nightingale Karaoke into new guest rooms for the corporate travelers, namely the Premier Floor. This project will be carried out from now until late December 2006 for two months period. Different measures have been made to make least disturbance to our guests. However, as in all renovation work, there still be some noise disturbance from now until the end of October. Also we provide China Ticket and Mainland hotel booking service