Brand: Xi'an keen-sou
Model: RY017
Min. Order: 25
extractplant extractGreen TeaName:Green Tea P.E.
Source:Plant extract of the bud and the leaf of the Camellia sinensis o.ktze.
Ingredients:Tea-leaf contains alkaloid mainly include thecaffeine,the content is 1-5% and Theobromine, Theophylline And xanthine.Green tea contains polypheols compound about 10-24%.Because ferment for many times so thepolypheols compound redueced, just about 6%.In the tea leaf mainly contains Gall-lepigallocatecholand a little epigallocatechol and epigallocatechin EGC , L-epicatechinEC and so on.Various tea on sale, caffeine is about 2-4% and the polypheols is about 12-15%additionally about 0.6% essential oil, is the aroma scent in Green tea.
Effective parts: Buds and leaves
Specification and test method:Polypheols(UV) 50%
Physical & chemic character:
Appearance:light brown powder with characteristic odor.
Loss On dring:≤5%
Mesh size:100% pass 80 mesh
Heavy Metals:≤10ppm
Microbiological Index:
Total Bacterial:≤1000/g
Mold & Yeast:≤100/g
E Coil:Negative
1. Strong function to eliminate harmful free radical.
2. Standing against the caducity.
3. Standing against the radiation
4. Inhabit the cancer cell
5. Antibiosis and sterilization
Keep away from the direct sun light two years if not open the package