Anemone Dichotoma Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Perennial herb, 30-70 cm high. Stem cross walk, slender, dark brown. Vertical stems, usually the upper two fork-shaped branch,...
Aconitum Ambiguum Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
For the latter Ranunculaceae (Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.) carrier simply called black, as an antispasmodic agents, metallurgical...
Nuphar Pumilum Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
It contains nuparidine, nuparamine, nupharine, nupharamine-ethylether.It belongs Ceratophyllaceae.
This plant only born in...
Silene Repens Part Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Perennial herb, high 15-50 cm: All beads are soft hair short. Rhizome slender, creeping ground. Stem few months numerous...
Sagina Japonica Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Swelling, detoxification antipruritic. For leukemia, Chatham sore, carbuncle swollen lymph node tuberculosis, dental caries...
Melandrium Firmum Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Perennial herb, 50-100 cm high. Stem straight, single or 2-3 Cluster, a sturdy, and the lower section of the dark purple, smooth...
Lychnis Fulgens Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Its root contains triterpenoid saponins. Born in meadow, the forest edge shrub, forest, water.
Package type: Vacuum plastic...
Dianthus Chinensis Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Containing saponins. Flower containing volatile oil, the main component in oil eugenol, phenyl ethanol, benzyl benzoate, methyl...
Cucubalus Baccifer Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
It can be used for fractures, bruises, rheumatoid joint pain, the plot of Malnutrition in children, nephritis edema, urinary...
Cerastium Arvense Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Cluster herbaceous perennial, 10-35 cm high. Stalk of the creeping, and the upper tower, green and red LILACINUS often, to the...
Arenaria Serpyllifolia Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Producing area:Born in Rocky hillsides, wasteland, field. Main-steroidal alcohol, terpene, triterpene saponin category, volatile...
Agrostemma Githago Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Producing area :born in wheat fields, the roadside fields, grassland.
Package type: Vacuum plastic...
Portulaca Oleracea Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
All grass contains L-norepinephrine (C8H11O3N). It is rich nutrition supplement.This extract can be used making health food...
Amaranthus Retrofoexus Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
It contains Gen-containing volatile oil and triterpene saponin, with the whole plant Rutin, glucose and maltose, and containing...
Amaranthus Caudatus Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Chemical ingredient of saponin, raffinose (raffinose), sucrose,
3 - (2,4 - dihydroxy -6 - methyl benzene) alanine and nitrate...
Salsola Collina Pall Extract2008-4-28
info2 at snowlotusbiotech dot com
Producing area : Born in roadside, wasteland, the salinization of sand dunes or sandy soil; often field weeds.
Package type:...