Daxinganling Snow Lotus Herb Bio-Technology Co., Ltd(Info@Snowlotusbiotech.Com)
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Pharmaceutical Chemicals

Swainsonia Salsula Extract

Swainsonia Salsula Extract

Producing area: growing in the grassland, dry ground and sandiness ground. Origin from Hulunbuir of the Inner Mongolia. chemical ingredient :the whole plant and...
Sophora Flavescens  Extract

Sophora Flavescens Extract

Producing area: growing in the Sunningdale slopes and sandiness ground. Origin from Inner Mongolia and Daxinganling Area of Heilongjiang Province. It can be...
Phaseolus Vulgaris  Extract

Phaseolus Vulgaris Extract

Producing area: planted planting. Origin from DaXingAnLing area. Main function: Used in drug industry and health care products. Package type: Vacuum plastic...
 Phaseolus  Radiatus  Extract

Phaseolus Radiatus Extract

Producing area: planted planting. Origin from the southern area of DaXingAnLing. Main function: Used in drug Industry and health care products. Package type:...
Phaseolus Angularis Extract

Phaseolus Angularis Extract

Producing area: planted planting. Origin from the eastern and southern area of DaXingAnLing. Main function: Used in drug industry and health care...
Oxytropis Extract

Oxytropis Extract

Producing area: growing in the grassland sandiness ground and hill lithoid ground. Origin from Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia. Main function: Used in drug industry...
Melissitus Ruthenica  Extract

Melissitus Ruthenica Extract

Producing area: Growing in dry hillside ,meadow, grassland, river bank and sand dune. Origin from Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia. Main function: Used in drug...
Melilotus Suaveolens Extract

Melilotus Suaveolens Extract

Producing area: growing in the river vale and wet fields. Origin from Hulunbuir of the Inner Mongolia and Daxinganling Area of Heilongjiang Province. Main...
 Medicago Falcata Extract

Medicago Falcata Extract

Producing area: growing in the ditch swampy ground ,river bank and grassland. Origin from Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia and DaXingAnLing Area. Main function: Used in...
Lotus Corniculatus  Extract

Lotus Corniculatus Extract

Producing area:Hulunbuir Grassland introduced and nursed the planting. Main function: Used in drug industry and health care products. Package type: Vacuum...
Lespedeza Bicolor Turcz Extract

Lespedeza Bicolor Turcz Extract

Producing area: growing in the hillside, forest, bosk and roadside. Origin from Hulunbuir in InnerMongolia and DaXingAnLing Area. chemical component: flavonoid...
Lathyrus Davidii Harnce Extract

Lathyrus Davidii Harnce Extract

Producing area: growing in the forest, boscage and grassland. Origin from Areas of DaXingAnLing. Main functions: Used in drug industry and heal care...
Kummerowia Extract

Kummerowia Extract

Producing area: growing in the brae, roadside, forest and sandiness grassland. Origin from Tahe and Jiagedaqi etc, of DaXingAnLing Area, Heilongjiang...
Glycyrrhiza Pallidiflora Maxim Extract

Glycyrrhiza Pallidiflora Maxim Extract

Producing area: growing at the marsh grass land and strand marsh in Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia and DaXingAnLing Area in Heiongjiang Province. Main function: It...
Gueldenstaedtia Verna Extract

Gueldenstaedtia Verna Extract

Producing area: growing at the grassland which are exposed to the sun, the dry hillside, sandiness ground, gravel ground and meadow etc. Origin from Hulunbuir Meng...
Glycine Max Extract

Glycine Max Extract

Producing area: cultivated plant, growing in Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia and Huma,Tahe,Jiagedaqi,Songling, etc of DaXingAnLing Area,Heilongjiang...