Malaxis Monophyllos Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows under the hurst or on the grass slope. Its producing area is...
Listera Pinetorum Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the dankness around the hurst. Its producing area is Hulunbuir of...
Liparis Japonica Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows under the hurst, bosk or the dankness in the grassplot. Its...
Herminium Monorchis Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows under the hurst, bosk or the grassplot. Its producing area is...
Gymnadenia Conopsea Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the hurst, bosk or the grassplot. Its producing area is Hulunbuir...
Gastrodia Elata Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows under the shaw or the edge of hurst . Producing area : JiaGeDaQi and...
Goodyera Repens Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows under the shaw or on the hillside. Producing area is DaXingAnLing ....
Epipogum Aphyllum Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows under the shaw, on the hillside or deadwood. Producing area is...
Cypriedium Calculus Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the tussock or . Producing area is DaXingAnLing of HeiLongJiang...
Iris Sanguinea Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the tussock . Producing area is DaXingAnLing of HeiLongJiang and...
Iris Lacteal Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the grassplot of brae , the wild and roadside . Producing area is...
Iris Ensata Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the swamp and everglade . Producing area : Hulunbuir of Inner...
Iris Dichotoma Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the hillside exposed to the sun, meadow and boskage. Producing...
Belamcanda Chinensis Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the hillside exposed to the sun, grassplot and bottomland....
Veratrum Nigrum Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the bosk, under the hurst or in the meadow . Producing area :...
Smilax Riparia Extract2010-5-25
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the bosk or under the hurst . Producing area : Hulunbuir of Inner...