Androsace Filiformis Extract2010-4-23
origin: growing in wet meadow, swamp meadow,and forest side in Hulunbuir in Inner Mongolia and JiaGeDaQi in DaXingAnLing in HeiLongJiang province.
Package type:...
Lingonberry Extract2010-4-23
origin: growing in coniferous forest and mingled forest in the west slope of DaXinAnLing and DaXinAnLing area in HeiLongJiang province.
Chemical ingredient : ...
Rhododendron Dauricum Extract2010-4-23
origin: growing in dry hillside,stone gaps,abrupt slope oak trees, beside the forest and hidden side of forest. Existing in DaXingAnLing in Inner Mongolia and...
Oxycoccus Microcarpus Extract2010-4-23
origin: growing in the moss clump of coniferous forest and peat moor. Most of the plant is inter the moss,only the top outside. Existing in MoHe town(XiLinJi...
Ledum Palustre Extract2010-4-23
origin: growing in the larch tree forest ,larch tree forest mixed with brich ,beside the forest and sphagnum swampland. In DaXingAnLing, especially in MoHe and...
Safflower Wintergreen Extract2010-4-23
origin: shade-demanding plant.Growing together with mycorhiza in the coniferous forest, mixed broadleaf-conifer forest and brushwood,usually mixed growing with...
Unilateral Flowers Extract2010-4-23
Origin: growing in the mixed broadleaf-conifer forest andlarch tree forest in DaXingAnLing ErGuNa Inner Mongolia and TaHe,JiaGeDaQi and so on in HeiLongJiang...
Monotropastrum Globosum Extract2010-4-23
Producing area:Growing in the forest. Origin from Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia.
chemical ingredient :The whole plant contains chimaphilin(0.05%~0.26%),...
Hypopitys Monotropa Crantz Extract2010-4-23
Producing area:Growing in the larch forests. Origin from DaXingAnLing Area.
chemical ingredient :The whole plant contains gaultherin, monotropitin and...
Cornus Alba Extract2010-4-23
Producing area:Growing in the mountainous region, riverbank and shaw. Origin from Inner Mongolia and DaXingAnLing Area.
chemical ingredient :The leaves contain...
Sphallerocarpus Gracilis Extract2010-4-23
Producing area:Growing in the mountain slope, roadside, swamp and wet soil. Origin from Hulunbuir of the Inner Mongolia and Daxinganling Area of Heilongjiang...
Sium Suave Walt Extract2010-4-23
Producing area:Growing in the swamp, meadow, waterside and wet ground. Origin from Hulunbuir of the Inner Mongolia and Daxinganling Area of Heilongjiang...
Saposhnikovia Divaricata Extract2010-4-23
Producing area:Growing in the mountain slope, grassland and dry meadow. Origin from Inner Mongolia and Daxinganling Area of Heilongjiang Province. It can be...
Pimpinella Thellungiana Wolff Extract2010-4-23
Producing area:Growing in the mountain slope, grassland and riverbank. Origin from Hulunbuir of the Inner Mongolia and Daxinganling Area of Heilongjiang...
Ostericum Sieboldii Extract2010-4-23
Producing area:Growing in the mountain slope, forest, grassland, valley and riverbank. Origin from Hulunbuir of the Inner Mongolia and Daxinganling Area of...
Libanotis Seseloides Extract2010-4-23
Producing area:Growing in the mountainous region, grassland and forest. Origin from Inner Mongolia and Daxinganling Area of Heilongjiang Province.