Malus Baccata Extract2010-4-1
Producing area: mountain forest edge, riparian forests Miscellaneous
The fruit of Chemical composition containi vitamin C .
Packing type: Vacuum plastic...
Geum Aleppicum Extract2010-4-1
Whole plant containing tannin 16.8%, and that the roots and stems of tannin 13.02%, 11.15% of the content. Inflorescence containing flavonoids 1.94% (dry weight),...
Fragaria Orientalis Extract2010-4-1
Perennial herb, 5 to 30 cm, tall plant, a stem to Sophie hair, more of the upper, middle and sometimes loss. 3 ashleaf, turbot or inverted oval-shaped oval, 1 to 5...
Filipendula Palmate Extract2010-4-1
Perennial herb, up to 140 cm high. Rhizome cross walk, sturdy, with the majority of fibrous roots. Stem straight, stout, a fine of Prism, with the base often...
Crataegus Dahurica Extract2010-4-1
Morphological Characteristics: deciduous shrubs or small trees, up to 2-6 meters long thorns, 1-2.5 cm long, sometimes without thorns; branchlets, micro-buckling,...
Toneaster Integerrima Extract2010-4-1
Producing area: growing on lithoid dry brae, mountanious region in Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia and DaXingAnLing Area in Heiongjiang Province.
Main function: It can...
Chamaerhodos Erecta Extract2010-4-1
Biennial herb, 10 to 50 cm high. Stem fine, upright, the long hair and soft short glandular hairs, more than the upper branches. A long-leaf petiole, 3 deep crack,...
Agrimonia Pilosa Extract2010-4-1
Chemical ingredient of the whole plant Agrimony A-, B-, C-(agrimonin A, B, C), effective components for hemostasis. Another of Agrimony lactone (agrimonolide,...
Saxifraga Bronchialis Extract2010-4-1
Perennial herb, 10-20 cm high. Rhizome-string, creeping roots, many of the remnants of last year, the upper leaves, leaves most intensive, linear lanceolate, 7-15...
Ribes Diacantha Extract2010-4-1
Morphological Characteristics: shrubs, about 1-1.5 metres high, sticks intensive Huihese, micro-peel crack, branchlets Danhese, smooth, there is a section on the...
Parnassia Palustris Extract2010-4-1
The whole plant medicinal herbs characters 10 to 50 cm long. Rhizome is spherical, yellow brown, the Health and the majority of fibrous roots. - Leaves a Nagara, 2...
Chrysosplenium Alternifolium Extract2010-4-1
Born on everglade and riverside ,in Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia , DaXingAnLing and JiaGeDaQi of HeiLongJiang. Packing type: Vacuum plastic bags, 2.5kg/bags,...
Orostachys Cartilagineaus Extract2010-4-1
Born on lithoid sunny hillside or grassplot ,in Inner Mongolia , DaXingAnLing and JiaGeDaQi of HeiLongJiang. Packing type: Vacuum plastic bags, 2.5kg/bags,...
Hylotephium Erythrostictum Extract2010-4-1
Born in hilly grassland, valleys and mountain forest edge, or between shrubs and stone hillside. Chemical constituents of the whole plant Sedum G aldose...
Sedum Aizoon Extract2010-4-1
Chemical ingredient of the whole plant alkaloids (1.4 mg / kg fresh), oleanolic acid, sitosterol, Sedum G glycoprotein (sedoheptulose), sucrose, fructose, protein...
Thlaspi Arvense Extract2010-4-1
Chemical ingredient of the whole plant glycosides mustard, and contains vitamin C70.5 to 252.8 mg%. Seed sulphur Effect: Effect mustard (Sinigrin), the enzyme after...