Brand: wumeitech
Model: 17707569722
Price: USD 1 / g
Min. Order: 10g g
HexadroneAnabolic ProhormoneZero Water RetentionAnabolic Prohormone 6A-Androst-4-Ene-3-One-17b-Ol Hexadrone with Zero Water Retention whatsapp:+8617707569722
Hexadrone is a revolutionary new formula which contains a new compound known as 6a-Androst-4-ene-3-one-17b-ol.
HEXADRONE is capable of producing profound muscle gains as well as increased strength.
While it can be used as a stand alone for lean muscle gains, it can also be used as an AI on cycle when stacked with other anabolic compounds.
Hexadrone (6-alpha-chloro-andro-4-ene-17 beta-ol-3-one) is not a curse, but a 6 carbon halogenated anabolic steroid marketed as a prohormone before it can be banned. It does not convert to estrogen so aromatase has no effect, as this makes it dry it is excellent for lean mass gains, recomposition, and cutting alike.
If you really want a wet sloppy bulk then don't use this. It is supposed to have a pretty strong anti-estrogenic ability similar to 6 bromo. For this reason it will dry out your whole cycle so if you want to look like Shamu this winter don't use this awesome dry AAS.
Unlike the other steroids falsely marketed as prohormones, this one is non-methylated. Apparently the chlorine bound to the sixth carbon stops cytochrome p450 from chewing it up, and it does not need a methyl group bound to carbon 17 to protect it from the first pass liver metabolism.
Since it is NOT a prohormone and is infact an active steroid it would be smarter to make this sublingual since it doesn't need to be activated by the liver.
Normal street doses are 100mg a day when added to a cycle to harden you up. It has a 300:1 anabolic to androgenic ratio on paper but remember the way they measure that is the relative increase of mass of mices' levator ani muscle compared to their prostate.
As I showed in my estrogen and prostate cancer article the prostate may have more to do with estrogen so this 300:1 might actually be a anabolic to ESTROgenic ratio not anabolic to ANDROgenic ratio.
You can add this in as a hardener like an oral masteron, but it builds muscle on paper better than anything ever created. The few who use this as a stand alone agent use 200 mg per day.