Pool FencingSafety Pool FenceAluminum Pool FencingPool Fencing
The most popular types of fencings used are permanent wrought-iron, hard vinyl and vinyl mesh fencing. Wrought iron fences rust, though they usually will last thru the dangerous 'toddler period' of a child's life. They are generally permanent. Most steel fencing manufactured is made with all vertical structures having less than a 4-inch gap. The advantage is that children can't squeeze thru the pickets. The disadvantage is that the gaps allows kids to climb more readily. The 2nd type is the HARD VINYL fence. It has the same concerns and characteristics as the wrought-iron except it doesn't rust and tends to last a bit longer. The 3rd type of fencing used, and probably the most popular is the Vinyl Mesh Fencing. It is sometimes called 'removable fencing' because it can be removed. It is easily seen through. It is the most attractive of most pool fencing due to its inherent semi-transparency.