Wire PartitionsWire partitions are mostly used in schools and institutions, also where a stiffer floor to ceiling partition is necessary. Standard wire panels are 5' wide x 8' high. Custom sizes are specially made for customers also. Partition widths are usually 5' with special panels to suit conditions.
Wire Mesh Partitions offer the following benefits:
Safety – Wire partitions can protect the people from operating equipment, electrical switchgear and other hazards.
Wire mesh partitions bring security by limiting access to sensitive areas.
Ventilation – Wire mesh structure gives largest percentage of open area for the partitions.
Cleaning - All smooth surfaces, especially for woven wire partitions.
Vision – Wire partition allows eaziler look thru from any position.
Heating – Wire partitions can have maximum circulation of air.
Strength - All wires double crimped and securely interwoven and clinched on drawn metal frames.
Cost – Woven wire partitions have lowest cost because of economy in manufacturing as mesh is woven up for each job, thus eliminating the usual waste when mesh is cut from limited sizes for stock sheets.
Diversity of wire sizes and meshes to meet any requirements in open mesh construction.