Brand: XYRON
Model: 540V
Price: CNY 38 / KG
Min. Order: 5000KG KG
ASAHIXYRONPPEWe supply XYRON PPE of Asahi,the grades are as Below:
100V, 100Z, 140V, 140Z, 220V, 240V, 240W, 220Z, 240Z, 300H, 300V, 340V, 340W, 300Z, 340Z, X9653, 400H, X0700, X0715, X0718, X5516, 500H, X0722, 500V, 540V, 500Z, 540Z, 600H, 640V, 640Z, 740V, X9108, SZ800, X9102,A0501, A0100, A1400, X5402, A0210, X5403 etc.
We can delivery the materials in China mainland or Hong Kong.