Guangzhou Xinshiyu Industry Bowlng Co.,Ltd
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Bowling Balls

Bowling Balls

Bowling Balls

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Min. Order: 1
bowling parts
bowling equipments
BB1 Brunswick House Balls:
1) 60-102804 6-16P
2) Warranty: 3months

BB1 Bowling Ball

Brunswick House Balls:(bowling,bowling ball)
1) 60-102804-24x undrilled/unengraved: USD25.00
60-102804-34x drilled only: USD26.50
60-102804-44x ball drilled and engraved: USD26.50
60-102404-94x drilled and engraved: USD28.00
2) Pounds: 6-16P
3) Warranty: Urethane except 6 pounds: 2 years from delivery; Urethane 6 pounds: 90 days from delivery
4) Pick up from Texas