Quercetin槲皮素Quercetin 98%
[Herb source]:The commonest flavonoid in higher plants ,usually present in glycosidic form (see rutin,isoquercitrin.quercitin,hyperin and quercimeritrin),but also isolated free from the families compositae,Passiflorae,Rhamnsceae and Solanaceae.
[Molecular Formula]: C15H10O7; [Molecular Weight]: 302.23 CAS: 6151-25-3
[Physics Properties]:yellow needle crystal [Pharmacology function]:Inhibits many enzymes ,e.g.,protein kinase C,lipogenases ,lens aldose reductase,3?5?-cyclic adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterases,It is a radical scavenger,Quercetin also in hibits smooth muscle contraction ,and proliferation of rat lymphocytes .It is antibacterial,antiviral and antihepatotoxic,and shows some mutagenic activity and allergenic properties.