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Canadian Professional/Post Secondary Qualification Via Online Study

Canadian Professional/Post Secondary Qualification Via Online Study

Canadian Professional/Post Secondary Qualification Via Online Study

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Distance Learning Program leading to successful professional consulting career!

ICL Distance Learning Center Advanced Diploma in Management Consulting

This diploma is a training program for those who are interested in becoming professional management consultants as their future careers. After completed the program, students, as professional consultants, should have learned how to be in systematic and strategic thinking to solve management problems for their clients with applications of their conceptual skills.

Recognition and Accreditation:
Graduates of this diploma, with appropriate working experience, in accordance with their selected study paths, are eligible to apply for professional designation of Chartered Association of Business Administrators (CABA) of Canada including: CBA (Chartered Business Administrator) or CBC (Chartered Business Consultant) or CHMC (Chartered Marketing Consultant).

Further Study Path:
CBA/CBC/CHMC are eligible to apply for advanced standings of Master degree programs of some reputable universities, e.g. University of Durham, University of Liverpool …etc., who are the academic partners of CABA (Canada).

Course Structure:

Advanced Diploma in Management Consulting (with Business Administration Major) leading to CBA award:
1. Management Information System
2. Management in Planning and Controlling
3. Organizational Behavior and Management
4. Strategic Management

Advanced Diploma in Management Consulting (with Business Consultancy Major) leading to CBC award:
1. Management Information System
2. Management in Planning and Controlling
3. Financial Analysis
4. Strategic Management

Advanced Diploma in Management Consulting (with Marketing Major) leading to CHMC award:
1. Marketing Research
2. Marketing Management
3. Marketing Communication
4. Global Marketing

Course Duration:
Notional study hours: 30 – 40 hours per subject

Admission Requirements:
Business diploma holders or matured adults with 3 years' working experience in business management

Business Executive Diploma Programs by dissertation

ICL Distance Learning Center Business Executive Diploma by dissertation is a project-oriented training program for assisting businessmen/managers to solve business problems or enlightening their business issues on research basis.

Recognition and Accreditation:
Graduates of this program can apply for credit transfer of Canadian School of Finance & Management (CSFM) and leading to the award Graduate Diploma of CSFM.

Further Study Path:
Graduate Diploma Holders of CSFM are eligible to apply for advanced standings of MBA program of a list of universities and professional bodies who are the academic partners of CSFM.

Course Structure:
Students are required to submit a dissertation of about 15,000 words for either one of below study areas:

1. Internal Auditing (awarding Business Executive Diploma in Internal Auditing)
2. Management Accounting (awarding Business Executive Diploma in Management Accounting)
3. Financial Management (awarding Business Executive Diploma in Financial Management)
4. Financial Accounting (awarding Business Executive Diploma in Financial Accounting)
5. Corporate Governance (awarding Business Executive Diploma in Corporate Governance)
6. Management Studies & Administration (awarding Business Executive Diploma in Business Management & Administration)
7. Marketing Management (awarding Business Executive Diploma in Marketing)

The dissertation should be a study project of the company/organization of the students working for. The main objective of the project is to explain how to solve management problems or improve effectiveness and efficiency of the company/organization with focus on one of the above study areas students selected.

Course Duration:
Students should expect to complete their project dissertation under instructor’s mentoring in 6 months.