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Nanyang King's Gate Hotel Guangzhou Booking Service

Nanyang King's Gate Hotel Guangzhou Booking Service

Nanyang King's Gate Hotel Guangzhou Booking Service

Detailed Selling Lead Description
Nanyang King's Gate Hotel (Guangdong) adopts the famous French g Versailles ' artistic style; the palace-style lobby is splendid and shining,extremely luxurious and noble, all of which exhibit the royal grandeur. The operation area of the hotel surpasses 40,000 square, Triumphal Palace is 25 stories high, and Louvre is 8 stories high. It has 468 deluxe guestrooms of different varieties which are elegant and noble, equipped with Internet access, computer and large-screen TV set G the bathroom of the guestrooms are equipped with luxuriant steam room and imported massage bathtub, which can get rid of your travel fatigue and tiredness, make you feel at home.