Cinnamyl AlcoholCAS No.: 104-54-1
Synonyms: 3-Phenyl-2-propene-1-ol
CAS Registry Number: 104-54-1
EINECS Number: 203-212-3
FEMA Number: 2294
Beilstein Number: 1903999
COE Number: 65
JECFA Number: 647
Fl. Number: 02.017
Molecular Formula: C9H10O
Molecular Weight: 134.1751
Purity: 98.5% min
Melting point: 33 to 35º C. At 760mm Hg
Boiling point: 250 to 258º C. At 760mm Hg
Flash point: > 200º F. TCC (> 93.33º C. )
Density: 1.048± 0.06 g/cm3
Application: Cinnamyl alcohol is mainly used in synthesis of flavor, essential oils and pharmaceutical