Handbag2006 Shop
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About Us
We(www.handbag2006.com) have been specalizing in the largest collection of Top AAA+++ Replica & Imitation Designer Handbag made of real lether, like Chloe, Gucci, Chanel, Prada, Coach, Fendi, D&G, YSL, Balenciaga, Versace, Burberry, Miumiu, Hermes, Coach,Mulberry. Our Bags are the highest grade available in the market, we guarantee that. We have the best Quality and service for Designer replicas available on the internet. We are reliable suppliers for our main attention to every detail of goods and strong support from customer wholeworld.
If interested, please contact with us.
Company Profile
Company Name: handbag2006 shop 
Country/Territory: China (Mainland) 
Company Address: www.handbag2006.com 510043 
Products/Services We Offer: Handbag,Purse,Wallet,Chanel,LV,Gucci,Miumiu,Dior,Hermes 
Industry Focus: Bags & Cases, Leather Products. 
Business Type: Trading Company 
No. of Employees: 20 - 50 People 
Year Established: 2004 
Website: http://www.handbag2006.com