Shifang Plant Material Co., Ltd
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Herb Medicine, Health Projects, Medical Supplies and more.

: Cassia Seed P.E

: Cassia Seed P.E

Product Name:Cassia Seed Extract Botanical source : Cassia Seed seed Extract Solvent:Water or Ethyl alcohol Appearance and Color:Brown yellow ...
American Ginseng Extract

American Ginseng Extract

Product Name: American Ginseng Extract Plant Origin: Panax quinquefolius Specification:Ginsenosides 80% UV Action: 1)American Ginseng Extract has been...
Angelica Dahrica P.E.

Angelica Dahrica P.E.

Product Name: Angelica Dahrica Extract Botanical source :Angelica Dahrica Root Extract Solvent:Water or Ethyl alcohol Appearance and Color:Brown ...
Astragalus Extract

Astragalus Extract

Product Name :Astragalus Extract ART USED:Root SPECIFICATION: Astragalosides 0.15% HPLC Polysaccharide, 50% , 70% UV CAS...
 Eucommia Bark P.E.

Eucommia Bark P.E.

Name: Eucommia Bark P.E. Latin Name: Cortex Eucommiae Active ingredient: chlorogenic acid Specs Available: chlorogenic acid 15% 25% HPLC Appearance: Brown ...
Oleanolic Acid

Oleanolic Acid

Oleanolic acid 98% Synonym: Aralia acid Oleanol, Caryophyllia, Astrantig Synonym: Aralia acid Oleanol, Caryophyllia, Astrantigeninc, Giganteumgeninc C A S No.:...
 Lotus Leaf Extract

Lotus Leaf Extract

Product Name:lotus leaf extract Botanical source : folium nelumbinis Extract Solvent:Water or Ethyl alcohol Appearance and Color:Brown yellow Powder Test...
Lotus Leaf Extract

Lotus Leaf Extract

Product Name:lotus leaf extract Botanical source : folium nelumbinis Extract Solvent:Water or Ethyl alcohol Appearance and Color:Brown yellow Powder Test...
Rhodiola Rosea P.E

Rhodiola Rosea P.E

[Product Name] Rhodiola rosea P.E. [Botanical Name] Rhodiola rosea This product is extracted from the Root of the plant. [Assay]1%-3% [Application] Rhodiola...
 Phyllanthus Urinaria P.E.

Phyllanthus Urinaria P.E.

Product Name: Chamber Bitter Extract ( Phyllanthus urinaria Extract ) Botanical source : Phyllanthus urinaria Extract Solvent:Water or Ethyl alcohol...
Fructus Jujubae Extract

Fructus Jujubae Extract

Product Name: Fructus Jujubae Extract Specification: 5:1, 10:1 Action: To tonify the spleen and replenish qi, to nourish blood, and to ease the...
 Anemarrhena Rhizome Extract

Anemarrhena Rhizome Extract

Name: Anemarrhena Rhizome Extract Botanical name: Anemarrhena asphodeloides Active Ingredient: Total Saponin Specification: 10:1 It is effective in cases of...
Ginseng Extract Powder

Ginseng Extract Powder

Product Name: Ginseng Extract Powder Spec: 20%~80% Ginsenoside English Name: Ginseng Latin Name: Panax ginseng CAMey Active ingredients:...
Ginseng Extract Powder

Ginseng Extract Powder

Product Name: Ginseng Extract Powder Spec: 20%~80% Ginsenoside English Name: Ginseng Latin Name: Panax ginseng CAMey Active ingredients:...


Tetrahydropalmatine Appearance: Yellowish white crystal Plant Part Used: Root Specifications: 95%, 98%tetrahydropalmatine (UV) Actions: 1) It has effect of...
Cistanche Extract

Cistanche Extract

Product Name: Cistanche Extract Plant Origin: Cistanche deserticola Specification:5:1 , 10:1, 20:1 Cistanche deserticola is known in China as Rou Cong Rong....