Flame-retardant aluminum foil tape glassFlame-retardant aluminum foil tape glass fiber insulation tape
Products ID: RL-L007 The products are mainly used for decoration of large building projects (subways, tunnels, stations), Travel's roof absorbing fire retardant; air compressor silencer insulation; room silencer shock tunnel ; oil and gas pipeline insulation; cable lines wrapping protection; equipment, goods, and three defenses (water, fire, corrosion) packaging and petrochemical installations and so on. Key Features: fire, flame retardant, sound absorption, shock absorption, thermal insulation, waterproof, anti-corrosion, non-toxic insulation and other quality standards to meet international and domestic related. The main products flame retardant aluminum foil composite glass cloth, aluminum foil composite glass of ordinary-type cloth, aluminum foil tape, aluminum foil folder bar, aluminum foil reinforced tape clip, aluminum foil 2 composite, aluminum, glass steel, polyethylene plastic sheet, aluminum foil cloth tape, glass fiber Package Zarb, aluminum foil mesh, release paper, insulation nails, glass fiber heat tape.